Narcos Wiki
Narcos Wiki

Narcos is an American television drama series created by Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard and Doug Miro and directed by Brazilian filmmaker José Padilha. The show is a Netflix original series based on the story of Pablo Escobar, as well as the rise of other drug cartels. The first season premiered on August 28, 2015.

Narcos had a run of three seasons, each comprising 10 episodes. Netflix had originally renewed the series for its third and fourth seasons; however, the fourth eventually became the first season of a new companion series, Narcos: Mexico.


The series was announced in April 2014 as part of a partnership between Netflix and Gaumont International Television. The series were written by Chris Brancato and directed by Jose Padilha (Elite Squad). The series were shot on location in Colombia in the second half of 2014, and consisted of ten episodes aired in 2015. Global Village Music co,(ascap) and Joseph Nicoletti Consultant to help with Music Rights.


Narcos is based on the true-life story of the growth and spread of cocaine drug cartels across the globe and attendant efforts of law enforcement to meet them head on in brutal, bloody conflict. It centers around the notorious Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar and 2 American DEA agents: Steve Murphy and Javier Peña, who are sent to Colombia on a U.S. mission to capture and ultimately kill Pablo.


Season 1[]

  1. Descenso
  2. The Sword of Simon Bolivar
  3. The Men of Always
  4. The Palace in Flames
  5. There Will Be a Future
  6. Explosivos
  7. You Will Cry Tears of Blood
  8. La Gran Mentira
  9. La Catedral
  10. Despegue

Season 2[]

  1. Free at Last
  2. Cambalache
  3. Our Man in Madrid
  4. The Good, the Bad, and the Dead
  5. The Enemies of My Enemy
  6. Los Pepes
  7. Deutschland 93
  8. Exit El Patron
  9. Nuestra Finca
  10. Al Fin Cayo!

Season 3[]

  1. The Kingpin Strategy
  2. The Cali KGB
  3. Follow the Money
  4. Checkmate
  5. MRO
  6. Best Laid Plans
  7. Sin Salida
  8. Convivir
  9. Todos Los Hombres del Presidente
  10. Going Back to Cali

